Lessons Learned from Internationalizing a Global Resource II:
Experiences with the Second Generation

Gary Perlman and Debbie Hysell
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

In a previous paper, Hysell and Perlman (1999) reported on the lessons learned from the internationalization and localization of the FirstSearch® 4.0 search system. At the time that paper was presented, we were in the process of building a completely new version of FirstSearch, which required a new translation effort. Our 1999 paper presented our plan for the next generation translation. In this paper, we will report on the results of the translation. The overall results are that many problems in the first translation were avoided the second time around, but there were both positive and negative experiences, reported here.

The translation process used for FirstSearch 5.0 is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1: FirstSearch Translation Process

Figure 1: FirstSearch Translation Process

  • Language files, db.ini and en.ini (used by different groups of developers), contain over 3500 entities (FirstSearch variables) that define the English terminology used in FirstSearch.
  • The English files are are merged, and differences with previous versions are highlighted to create a Microsoft® Word® file (lang.doc). The Word file contains a table with entity names, English value, current non-English value, and notes.
  • The Word document is e-mailed to the translators who translate new and changed entities, and e-mail the translated document back to OCLC.
  • Language-specific files are generated for Spanish (es.ini) and French (fr.ini).
  • These files are checked with automated scripts, corrected if necessary, and integrated into FirstSearch.

The following are highlights of the lessons we learned translating a new version of FirstSearch, referring back to the lessons learned the first time. The first translation, for FirstSearch 4.0, was made difficult because the system was never designed with translation in mind. It was a huge effort to find English in HTML and C code and replace it with variables. FirstSearch 5.0 was built on a new application, SiteSearch 4.0, written in Java, so it was a complete rewrite of the old system, with many new features.

While most of our experiences were positive, especially compared to the first experience, there are still areas for future improvement: