Picture Albums: Mark's Graduation from Marianopolis College

Info Mark Perlman's graduation from Marianopolis College. The ceremony pictures were taken in low light, so they're shaky and blurry. With those Blair height genes, Mark is easy to pick out of the crowd.
Date 2012‑Jun‑14
Created 2012‑Sep‑05
Updated 2012‑Oct‑02
Place Westmount, Quebec
Link marianopolis.edu
Pictures 14 (ZIP)
Mark ready
Mark off the hook!
Pictures almost done
Mark is happy
Got to PhotoShop that tie
Mark on his way!
Mark in middle, tall.
Woman in foreground is saying that her granddaughter is going to be a neurosurgeon, not just a plain surgeon like the other woman's grandson.
Mark face hidden
Mark blurred
Mark ascending
Mark blurring
Mark approaching, towering
Mark descending
Mark on the right, face lit