PACKAGE |STAT Data Manipulation and Analysis, by Gary Perlman
NAME pair - paired data points analysis and plots
SYNOPSIS pair [-fps] [-h height] [-w width] [-c char] [-x xname] [-y yname] [-t top] [-b bottom] [-l left] [-r right]
WEB FORM pair can be run from an online web form.
DESCRIPTION pair analyzes paired data by providing summary statistics and scattergrams. pair reads pairs of points (two points per line) from the standard input and, without options, provides statistics on the first variable (X), the second (Y), and their difference. If only one datum is on each line, then pair will supply the datum number (1 to N) as the first variable and use the datum as the second.
-b bottom
minimum Y value at the bottom of the plot (default: from data).
-c char
plotting character (default: frequency counts).
do not print frame around plot (default: print frame).
-h height
set height of the plot to height lines.
-l left
minimum X value at the left of the plot (default: from data).
print bivariate plot.
-r right
maximum X value at the right of the plot (default: from data).
requests summary statistics.
-t top
maximum Y value at the top of the plot (default: from data).
-w width
set width of the plot to width characters.
-x name
name of the first variable (default: "Column 1").
-y name
name of the second variable (default: "Column 2").

The following standard help options are supported. The program exits after displaying the help.
Display limits
Display options and values
Display version number and date
pair -p -h 10 -w 20        # 10 high, 20 wide plot
abut a b | pair -x a -y b  # compare two single column files
LIMITS Use the -L option to determine the program limits.
MISSING VALUES Cases with missing data values (NA) are counted but not included in the analysis.
SEE ALSO regress for multiple regression.
oneway for unpaired comparisons.
anova for multi-factor analysis.
rankrel for paired analysis of rank ordinal data.
ts for time-series analysis.
UPDATED January 20, 1987