PACKAGE |STAT Data Manipulation and Analysis, by Gary Perlman
NAME transpose - transpose matrix type file of strings or numbers
SYNOPSIS transpose [-f format]
DESCRIPTION transpose reads non-blank lines and transposes lines and columns.
-f format
Specify the width of the field holding each string. At least one space is guaranteed between fields. If the width is negative, then the absolute value of the width is used to left justify fields. Without formatting instructions, transpose puts a tab between fields on a line.

The following standard help options are supported. The program exits after displaying the help.
Display limits
Display options and values
Display version number and date
EXAMPLE For the input:
1    2    3
4    5    6
the program produces:
1    4
2    5
3    6
LIMITS Use the -L option to determine the program limits.
SEE ALSO maketrix to format matrix format files.
dsort to sort matrix format files.
colex to extract columns.
UPDATED March 5, 1985